
Road investment in Białystok

PEUiM company, belonging to Trakcja Group, will completely modernize the section of ul. Klepacka in BIałystok for almost 33 million net PLN. The task will consist in making a new pavement together with construction of sidewalks and cycle tracks. Modern street lights will be installed along the modernized route. In order to increase traffic safety, two new road tunnels will be built on ul. Klepacka, under railway lines No. 38, 515 and 516. Apart from the engineering works, the contractor will modernize the traction network. The contract includes removal of collisions of the existing power grids, telecommunication as well as water and sanitary networks.

The investment will be implemented within 18 months since the date of taking over the site.


Media Information

Robert Kuczyński

human resources and communication director


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