
Reconstruction of streets and a municipal road near Bydgoszcz

Almost 900 000 PLN is the overall value of the road construction works to be performed by Trakcja PRKiI S.A. in the Szubin municipality within two tasks.

The first task concerns reconstruction of two streets in Zamość, and comprises placing a new road surface, as well as rebuilding the existing exists and pedestrian paths. New shoulders, a drainage ditch and four speed bumps will also be constructed.

The second task will cover the reconstruction of a segment of municipal road from Słupy - Kowalewo - Smolniki. The scope of investment includes widening and levelling of the existing road surface, building new road and exits made of asphalt concrete.

The completion of works is planned for the end of September. 



Media Information

Robert Kuczyński

communications manager


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