
Results of 2018

Trakcja Group’s cash revenue on sales amounted to PLN 1,560,648 thousand and were higher by over 14% than the result for the year 2017 and the highest for three years. The net financial result for this period was negative and amounted to PLN 110,172 thousand, whereas, Trakcja PRKiI S.A. cash revenue on sales in this period amounted to PLN 1,004,295 thousand and accounted for the negative financial result of PLN 86,687 thousand. 

The financial result of the Group and Trakcja PRKiI S.A. had been influenced by numerous factors of macro-economic character related to the increase in costs of materials, subcontractors and labour costs in the period of a dynamic increase in demand for all capital goods used in the construction industry. The 2018 results almost completely accounted for the costs of executing contracts concluded during the investment gap. Trakcja PRKiI S.A. lodged or is in the course of preparing claims due to the performed works to the amount of over PLN 120 million. 

As at 31 December 2018 the construction contracts portfolio of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. amounted to PLN 2,181 million (with an exclusion of the part of revenues allocated to consortium members). In 2018 the Company signed construction contracts with a total value of PLN 1,563 million (with an exclusion of the value of works allocated to consortium members), whereas, as of the beginning of the year, the Company concluded new agreements for over PLN 120 million. Furthermore, in already open tenders, the total value of Trakcja PRKiI S.A. bids on first places exceeds PLN 1.1 billion.

As at 31 December 2018 the construction contracts portfolio of Trakcja Group amounted to PLN 2,557 million (with an exclusion of the part of revenues allocated to consortium members). In 2018 Trakcja Group’s companies signed construction contracts with a total value of PLN 2,120 million (with an exclusion of the value of works allocated to consortium members).

Trakcja Group executes mainly railway and road contracts in Polish and Lithuanian markets, simultaneously implementing a further diversification of the activity. In 2018 Company’s cash revenues on sales in the road industry almost doubled exceeding PLN 312 million, which in the total sales structure amounted to over 31%. The railway segment nominally maintained the level from the previous year, however, in fact, in the sales structure it dropped below 60%. In the tram segment the company noted over five-fold increase in sales to PLN 15.7 million, whereas, in the energy industry – by over 47% to the amount of PLN 44.7 million.

In Trakcja Group’s sales structure, the value of foreign revenues in nominal terms increased by over 3%, whereas, in general revenues, due to the increase in national sales, it dropped by approximately 2.7%. The diversification is also visible in the Group’s sales structure – the road segment share increased by 9.5 pp., whereas, in nominal terms by over 43%, the actual and nominal increase was also noted by remaining segments: power, tram and production.

In the current year Trakcja PRKiI S.A. activates a new hall adjusted to servicing machines and railway vehicles in Bieńkowice, near Wroclaw and continues developing activity, among others, in the construction industry and hydraulic engineering.



Media Information

Robert Kuczyński

human resources and communication director

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