
Another Award at Energetab

The „Lithium-titanium energy storage system for the improvement of MV networks”, developed in collaboration with MY-SOFT Sp. z o.o., has been awarded a bronze medal at this year's edition of the Energetab trade fair.

The main purpose of this device is the storage of energy and the improvement of its quality parameters, such as: voltage drops and fluctuations, frequency regulation and the regulation of the value and direction of reactive power flow. The implementation of this system, which is capable of storing energy obtained from renewable sources, such as wind farms or photovoltaic farms, increases the efficiency of ecological installations and has a positive effect on the protection of the natural environment.

This medal adds further to previous awards given to Trakcja PRKiI S.A. in the course of the trade fair held in Bielsko-Biała.


Media Information

Robert Kuczyński

human resources and communication director

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