
Strengthening of Railway Embankments in Malbork Area

A consortium including Trakcja PRKiI has signed a contract of the value of PLN 67 million for the strengthening of the subgrade of railway embankments at the Warsaw - Gdansk rail line in the vicinity of the towns of Stańkowy, Prabuty, Mleczewo and Dąbrówka Malborska. The works will be carried out in two phases - the first phase will comprise detailed laboratory and geotechnical tests of soil, and will represent a basis for the contractor's development of his design documentation for the embankment repair project. The second phase of the project will comprise construction works related to the strengthening of the embankments' subgrade, including the adjustment of rails and overhead traction lines, at a section of approx. 1.2 km. The project also covers the elimination of any possible collisions of the works with underground utilities. The contractor's duties under the contract will include the performance of periodic geotechnical surveillance of the embankments during the first 3 years following the completion of construction works.

Trakcja PRKiI will deliver the project in partnership with Poleko Budownictwo, acting as the consortium partner.

The complete project will be completed within 13 months following the signing of the contract.


Media Information

Robert Kuczyński

human resources and communication director

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